Ask any group of adults what they remember most about their years of Scouting and it won’t be long before stories of camping trips come to the fore. Camping gives young people the chance to get away in the outdoors with their friends, stay up late, try new activities and develop their independence.

Jonathan Preparing the Campfire

A cornerstone of many Scout Camps is the evening campfire; a time to join back together after a busy day of activities and enjoy some entertainment. A campfire is a medley of songs, stories, jokes, sketches, laughing with friends and reflecting on the day.

Tech Check for the District Virtual Campfire
Tech Check for the District Virtual Campfire, September 2020

Formed in 2019, our Campfire Team (aka Jonathan and Scott) have ran over a dozen events for Syston Scout Group, Charnwood District and beyond. In 2020, they branched out into ‘Virtual Campfires’ over Zoom to bring the campfire fun to a wider audience.

Whilst always better face to face, 2020 was a proven year of online success

In 2021, the fun continues, remaining on Zoom initially and then back in the great outdoors once restrictions are eased. The team are focused on encouraging young people to lead their own songs and and make up their own sketches which will all count towards their Cub and Scout Entertainer badges.

Sections and Groups can find out more about our campfire team here. Why not book them for your next camp or event?

Campfires Burning – See you at an event soon

Syston Scouts are always looking for new members and adult volunteers to help make Scouting in Syston great. If you can spare a few hours a week, why not get in touch and help young people develop #SkillsForLife. Contact us on 0116 326 6908 or email