Our Sections
Irrespective of a member’s age, a young person in the Movement is a ‘Scout’. The balanced Programme spans the 6-25 age range which is made up of five Sections. Each Section has its own identity, ethos and style. They all have adult support that varies in style across the different age groups.

A Beaver Scout Colony has members aged between 6 and 8 years.
Our Beavers meet at Syston Scout HQ on a Monday Evening.

A Cub Scout Pack has members aged 8 – 10 ½ Years.
Our Cubs meet at Syston Scout HQ on a Thursday Evening.

A Scout Troop is for young people aged from 10 ½ – 14 years.
Our Scouts meet at Syston Scout HQ on a Tuesday Evening.

Syston Scout & Guide Band
We have our own Scout & Guide Band! They meet at Syston Scout HQ on a Wednesday Evening.

Fancy volunteering?
These are all part of a Scout Group.
• We are a uniformed movement
• We use ‘Sixes’ and ‘Patrols’ of about 6 young people who work together, learning from and supporting each other.
We involve young people in decision making as part of their development Additionally the Group has a Scout Active Support section, comprising adults who are prepared to assist with activities and events. If you are happy to join the SAS mailing list and receive occasional requests for help, please contact us.
An Explorer Scout Unit is for young people from 14-18 years old.
A Scout Network is for young people aged 18 – 25 years old.
Explorer Scouts and Scout Networks are the responsibility of the Scout District (Charnwood District).