Group Constitution

Last Updated: 27th August 2020.

In the absence of an existing formally adopted Constitution to the contrary, the following represents an ideal Constitution and will apply where the circumstances and the support allow. Where specific points haven’t been made, 10th Leicester (Syston) Scout Group follow The Scouts Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR).

a. The Group Scout Council sv.

The Group Scout Council is the electoral body, which supports Scouting in the Scout Group. It is the body to which the Group Executive Committee is accountable.

i. Membership of the Group Scout Council is open to:

  • Scouters;
  • Group Scout Active Support members (including the Group Scout Active Support Manager and Group Scout Active Support Co-ordinators – if appointed);
  • Colony, Pack and Troop Assistants ;
  • Skills Instructors;
  • Administrators;
  • Advisers;
  • Patrol Leaders;
  • all parents of Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts and Scouts;
  • the Sponsoring Authority or its nominee;
  • any other supporters including former Scouts and their parents who may be admitted by the Group Scout Leader, the Group Executive Committee or the Group Scout Council;
  • Explorer Scout Leaders (if stated in a Partnership Agreement);

ii.              The District Commissioner and District Chair are ex-officio members of the Group Scout Council.

iii.             Membership of the Group Scout Council ceases upon:

  • the resignation of the member;
  • the dissolution of the Council;
  • the termination of membership by Headquarters following a recommendation by the Group Executive Committee.

iv.            The Group Scout Council must hold an Annual General Meeting within six months of the financial year end to:

  • receive and consider the Annual Report of the Group Executive Committee, including the annual statement of accounts;
  • approve the Group Scout Leader’s nomination of the Group Chair and nominated members of the Group Executive Committee;
  • elect a Group Secretary and Group Treasurer;
  • elect certain members of the Group Executive Committee;
  • appoint an auditor or independent examiner or scrutineer as required.

b. The Group Executive Committee

i.               The Executive Committee exists to support the Group Scout Leader in meeting the responsibilities of their appointment.

ii.              Members of the Executive Committee must act collectively as charity Trustees of the Scout Group, and in the best interests of its members to: sv.

  • Comply with the Policy, Organisation and Rules of The Scout Association
  • Protect and maintain any property and equipment owned by and/or used by the Group.
  • Manage the Group finances.
  • Provide insurance for people, property and equipment.
  • Provide sufficient resources for Scouting to operate. This includes, but is not limited to, supporting recruitment, other adult support, and fundraising activities.
  • Promote and support the development of Scouting in the local area.
  • Manage and implement the Safety Policy locally.
  • Ensure that a positive image of Scouting exists in the local community.
  • Appoint and manage the operation of any sub-Committees, including appointing a Chair to lead the sub-Committees.
  • Ensure that Young People are meaningfully involved in decision making at all levels within the Group.
  • The opening, closure and amalgamation of Sections in the Group as necessary.

The Executive Committee must also:

  • Appoint Administrators, Advisers, and Co-opted members of the Executive Committee.
  • Approve the Annual Report and Annual Accounts after their examination by an appropriate auditor, independent examiner or scrutineer.
  • Present the Annual Report and Annual Accounts to the Scout Council at the Annual General Meeting; file a copy with the District Executive Committee; and if a registered charity, to the appropriate charity regulator if the regulator’s rules require it. (See Rule 13.3)
  • Maintain confidentiality with regard to appropriate Executive Committee business.
  • Where staff are employed, act as a responsible employer in accordance with Scouting’s values and relevant legislation.
  • Ensure line management responsibilities for employed staff are clearly established and communicated.

iii.             The Group Executive Committee consists of: sv

Ex-officio Members

  •  The Group Chair;
  • The Group Secretary;
  • The Group Treasurer;
  • The Group Scout Leader;
  • The Assistant Group Scout Leader;
  • The Explorer Scout Leader (if stated in a Partnership Agreement, and subject to that Explorer Scout Leader expressly indicating to the AGM (in writing or orally at the meeting) that they are willing to perform such a function);
  • The Sponsoring Authority or its nominee;
  • All Section Leaders (i.e. individuals holding a Beaver Scout Leader, Cub Scout Leader or Scout Leader role) subject to that Section Leader expressly indicating to the AGM (in writing or orally at the meeting) that they are willing to perform such a function.

Elected Members

  • persons elected at the Group Annual General Meeting;
  • these should normally be four to six in number;
  • the actual number must be the subject of a resolution by the Group Scout Council.

Nominated Members

  • persons nominated by the Group Scout Leader;
  • the nominations must be approved at the Group Annual General Meeting; the number of nominated members must not exceed the number of elected members.

Co-opted Members

  • persons co-opted annually by the Group Executive Committee
  • the number of co-opted members must not exceed the number of elected members.

Right of Attendance

  • the District Commissioner and the District Chair have the right of attendance at meetings of the Group Executive Committee.

iv.            Additional Requirements for sub-Committees:

  • sub-Committees consist of members nominated by the Committee.
  • The Group Scout Leader and the Group Chair will be ex-officio members of any subCommittee of the Group Executive Committee.

Any fundraising committee must include at least two members of the Group Executive Committee. No Section Leader or Assistant Leader may serve on such a fundraising subCommittee.

v.              Additional Requirements for Charity Trustees: sv

  • All ex-officio, elected, nominated and co-opted members of the Group Executive Committee are Charity Trustees of the Scout Group.
  • Only persons aged 18 and over may be full voting members of the Group Executive Committee because of their status as Charity Trustees (however the views of young people in the Group must be taken into consideration).
  • Certain people are disqualified from being Charity Trustees by virtue of the Charities Acts. (See rule 13.1)
  • Charity Trustees are responsible for ensuring compliance with all relevant legislation including the Data Protection Act 2018.
  • Some Groups may also need to register as a charity. (See Rule 13.3).sv

c. The Group Scouters’ Meeting

i.               Membership of the Group Scouters’ Meeting consists of the Group Scout Leader as chair, all Section Leaders and Assistant Leaders and the Group Scout Active Support Manager. Explorer Scout Leaders may be included if stated in the partnership agreement.

ii.              The role of the Group Scouters’ Meeting is to:

  • consider the well-being and development of each Member of the Group;
  • ensure the progress of each Member through the programme;
  • plan and co-ordinate all the Group’s activities;
  • to keep the Group Executive Committee advised of the financial and other resource requirements of the training programme.

d. Conduct of Meetings

i.               Only members as defined above may vote in meetings of the Group Scout Council and the Group Executive Committee.

ii.              Decisions are made by a majority of votes cast by those present at the meeting. In the event of an equal number of votes being cast on either side the chair does not have a casting vote and the matter is taken not to have been carried.

iii.             The Group Scout Council must make a resolution defining a quorum for meetings of the Group Scout Council and the Group Executive Committee and its sub-Committees.