Every adult who gives their time to Scouting supports the development of young people and without them Scouting and the adventures it offers simply would not happen.

On Friday 5th December, 3 members from 10th Leicester (Syston) Scout Group were invited to Leicestershire Scouts HQ.

This evening was all about recognizing adults for their hard work that they do to support Everyday Adventure & Skills for Life supporting Scouting in Leicestershire. Many award nominees gathered for the event. The awards were presented by the County team.

Anne, Mark and Jackie receiving their Medal of Merit.

Anne Bodycot – Received the Medal of Merit

Anne, has been an active member of Syston Scout group for over 15 years. She has ran the Syston Beavers with great success but also gone further by helping with sections in the group.

She is always at group fund raisers and gets stuck in to the event. Anne is always open to new ideas and helps out in every level of the group and supports District and County events. She is always a friendly face for all members of the group and always approachable by current and past members.

Jackie Sheridan – Received the Medal of Merit

Jackie has been an active member of Syston Scout group for over 15 years. She has ran the Syston Cub section with success over the years with a fun and active programme. She will take on any challenge, a resent move to the Scouts section from cubs has been a great success with Jackie bring a fresh and positive attend to the section and helping the current leaders to improve the section.

Jackie is also a great supporter of the County, District and Groups events and fund raisers, which would not be possible with out her support and hands on approach.

Mark Bodycot – Received the Medal of Merit

Mark has been an active member of Syston Scout Group exec committee. Starting off as a Parent member for a number year with a role to help put together fun and active events and fund raiser for the Groups. After the acting GSL and Chair stood down Mark picked up the role as Chair/Manager. He has drove the group forward with arranging fundraisers,

equipment and giving his time to help at section evenings and camps. After 10 years in the chair role he stood down but still staying to help the group by looking after the general maintenance and support for group fundraisers.

Mark is a massive asset to the group and Syston would not be the active group it is today with out his time, effect and support for all aspects of the group.