Syston Scout Group held a family camp on the 7-8th September.  

A welcome back camp after the summer break and a great opportunity for families from all of the Groups sections (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts & Band)  to come together for a fun weekend.  

The Families arrived on a sunny Saturday morning ready for a fun weekend of camping and activities. Each member of the family got a chance to choose the activities they would like to do. These ranged from Archery, Mini Cross bows, a caving experience, Climbing, Rope Making, Survival Bracelet making, Pyrography (burning a letters or pictures in to Wood) Pioneering (tying wooden poles together to make a bridge), Assault Course, Circus Skills and also Axe Throwing! 

Once the Activities have finished everyone enjoyed a BBQ and then settled round the camp fire for the groups AGM, Songs, awards and comedy which kept all ages entertained during the evening. 

On a cool Sunday morning, and after a hearty breakfast it was time for more activities. The activities then ended which led to the closing of Camp which saw all families leave with smiles on there faces and also some great memories and experiences. 

To view photos from our Family Camp, visit our website:

Sound like something you would like to be a part of? 

Syston Scout Group are always looking for new members and adult volunteers to help make Scouting in Syston great. If you can spare a few hours a week, why not get in touch and help young people develop #SkillsForLife. Contact us on 0116 326 6908 or email