Beavers Go Exploring Space!
Syston Beavers and 700 other Beavers from around Leicestershire explored the wonders of Space. A fun packed day around the National Space centre, Making Bottle rockets, experiments, exploring the centre and much more.
Beavers Reach the Top
Last month 2 Syston Beavers reach the top award in Beaver Scouts (Bronze Chief Scout Award). Jaiden and Blue-belle received their Bronze award and now have moved on to there next Challenge in Cubs.
Cubs Make a Splash!
Cubs from across the District gathered at Loughbrough Leisure Centre to swim for their groups to see who will win this years swimming gala. They had races and inflatables! Swimming lengths and widths and with whales, that’s right whales, the Cubs battled it out for points and to become top of the table. Syston Cubs did amazing and got 2nd!
ScoutsTake Aim!
Syston Scouts took part along with 120 other Scouts and Explorers from around Charnwood in an exciting activity over the weekend, paint balling! The young people gathered at the center for a day of messy fun.
Scouts Clean Up!
The Scout took part in the “The Great British Spring Clean” which see just under 600,000 volunteers get involved in cleaning up the Streets and local parks to improve the environment. Well done Scouts!
Family Fun Run/Walk
The next challenge for our Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Band will be the Fun Run/Walk.
Fancy a challenge? Why not raise money for your local Scout Group or chosen Charity.
On the 9th June 2019 we are running a Family Fun Run/Walk around Watermead Country Park.
There are 3 distances to choose from
3 kilometers equals just a little less than 2 miles.
5 kilometers equals 3.1 miles.
10 kilometers equals 6.2 miles.
Cost per person is £5. Why not take part as a family and even bring the family dog!
Get sponsors as an individual or as a family.
Event starts from 9am
Please register at and we will send you a info pack and sponsor form.
10th Leicester (Syston) Scout Group
0116 326 6908 |