On Saturday 9th March, 16 young Beaver Scouts started their quest to become a Pokémon Master! The Pokémon themed Sleepover took place at Holwell Pastures Scout Camp near Melton. Once the trainers arrived they chose their Pokémon and gave them a bit of colour. They then went on to create their own Pokéball (with a biscuit and icing). Once grabbing there Pokédex’s, they went out in the wild to find and document wild Pokémon in the area (a bit of orienteering fun). The next stage of their training went on to aiming and catching Pokémon (this is child’s archery which is great fun!). After refuelling their trainer’s belly’s it was time to become one with their Pokémon with a Yoga Pokémon story. The final class of the day was to learn all about the legendary Pokémon (A Pokémon film to finish) before getting some sleep.

The next morning the trainers woke to a white game field (it Snowed!!!) and after getting their energy up (some yummy breakfast), they stepped out to practice Pokémon battles with the other trainers (snowball fights, mostly at the leaders and even a snowman!). Once warming back up inside, the trainers hatched Pokémon from the Pokéballs (a bit of bicarbonate and vinegar to fizz the Pokemon free). After a few trainer games, the trainers where presented with their Pokémon Trainer badges (Scouts nights away badge for staying overnight at a campsite) and were sent off to continue their adventure…

Interested to get your son or daughter to join the adventure? Syston Scout Group is open to girls and boys aged from 6 years upwards. Why not sign them up to our waiting list –www.systonscouts.org.uk/join/

If you would like to give us an extra pair of hands, eyes and even feet at Syston Beavers! We’d like you to help with craft activities, help to judge games and explain things when they don’t quite know the rules. If you can give us one hour once a week to help out at Beavers, it would make a vast difference to what activities the Beavers can do.


Contact Chris Bodycot on 0116 326 6908 or email gsl@systonscouts.org.uk