Firstly, anyone with COVID-19 symptoms, or who has been in contact with anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms (within the last two weeks), shouldn’t come to any face-to-face activities, and should follow government guidelines on self-isolation and testing.
It is very important that you let us know if anyone in your household has had a positive test. You can no let us know by using this link –
Secondly, young people who are shielding or are in another vulnerable group might not be able to return to face-to-face activities at this stage. If your child’s shielding or in another vulnerable group, please contact me directly so we can chat through some options.
We’re also aware some young people, including young people with additional needs, might need new or different reasonable adjustments putting in place to support a return to face-to-face Scouts – again, I’m happy to discuss this with you.
I’d also like to let you know some of the updates to our arrangements for making sure our activities will be COVID-19 safe.